Rich Jessup;  T.E.A.M. LLC President/CEO

Chief Jessup was born and raised in Southern California where he was a standout three-sport athlete in high school, and a two-sport scholarship athlete in basketball and baseball at Vanguard University, graduating with degree's in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation in 1981.

Chief Jessup started his law enforcement career in 1982 as a police officer at the San Jacinto Police Department in Southern California, and has worked for several other departments to include the Yuma Police Department, Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the San Luis Police Department.

Chief Jessup recently retired as the Chief of Police from the San Luis Police Department in Arizona and serves as a College Adjunct professor in the Administration of Justice Studies program at Glendale Community College since 2013.

Chief Jessup is a current member and Past-President of the Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police (AACOP) and serves as a commissioner for the Arizona Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (ALEAP). Governor Doug Ducey appointed Chief Jessup to two Arizona Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith, and Family Commissions for "Domestic and Sexual Violence Against Women/DV Commission" and "Human/Sex Trafficking Council Committee and Taskforce". Chief Jessup also served on the Arizona Supreme Court advisory workgroup for DUI processing improvement.

Chief Jessup is a graduate of the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command, and is a recipient of the FBI LEEDA Trilogy Award for Executive Leadership.

Chief Jessup is a sought after public speaker on the issues of developing strong leadership teams, successional planning, and personal success in the law enforcement, business, and faith based communities.  His extensive experience as a public speaker and trainer in a multitude of topics are listed in the specific area's on the website.

VISION: (Where)
Our vision at T.E.A.M. is to provide the best public speaking information and training workshop. 

Our mission at T.E.A.M. is to reach churches, schools, and law enforcement communities with individual characteristics of personal and team success.

VALUES: (What)
We believe that the vision and mission of T.E.A.M. is accomplished in our personal pursuit by following our core values. 
  • Passion:  We love what we do and want to provide the best education and training to those we serve.
  • Personal:  To develop personal and professional services to individuals and groups in our trainings.  
  • Professional: We are at all times professional in our conduct, actions, and words. We will put the needs of others before our own rights, and the     rights of others before our own needs.
  • Productive: Always providing professional service, not looking to our own way of doing things, but finding the best way to do things.

Our purpose at T.E.A.M. is to educate and train each individual who attends our trainings with the best up to date information on how to accomplish personal success and how to incorporate team principals for desired outcomes.