Church Programs 
Guest Speaker

Over the past 30 years, Rich has been a featured speaker across the county encouraging and challenging the church to rise up and become the leaders in today's society.  His leadership as a Chief of Police give tremendous perspective on the issues that face our country and what we can do to become the "salt and light" in these times.  His personal testimony of "to whom much is given, much is required" will encourage every Christian in attendance, from his athletic success, college professor, chief of police, and minister background.

Church Security Training

One of the greatest needs of the church today is the ability to worship in an atmosphere that involves freedom and peace of mind without the fear of someone coming into the house of worship causing a disruption or distraction, or an event that includes an active shooter.  Unfortunately, one of these types of events can happen every time the church doors are open.  Having your staff, volunteer workers, ushers, etc. having the necessary training to assist in these situations is a must for today's church.  This one day training for your staff and volunteers from a law enforcement perspective will be of great benefit to assure that safety for those who worship is evident.

Family Safety Workshop

​This interactive workshop for husbands and wives covers a variety of topics to insure that as a family, they are proactive and prepared for any situation that may arise and to help keep their family safe.  Some topics addressed in this workshop are:
  • Theft/Burglary protection of the home
  • Computer/Internet/Identity Theft Safety and Security
  • ​Work place safety and security
  • Personal protection: should it come to that!!

These workshops are very affordable for the family and help with the overall costs of the workshop.​

Risk/Security Assessments

Over the years, TEAM has conducted many on site security assessments for Churches and Christian Schools across the country.  These risk and site assesments have helped many faith based organizations with upgrading their security around their campuses and helped with policies and proceedures that may need to be instituted.